Hillrom - Welch Allyn SureTemp Plus 690 Electronic Thermometer with 1.2m Oral Probe and Oral Probe Well
$360.00 (plus $36.00 GST)
SKU: WA-01690-410
By Welch Allyn
Combining the speed of ear thermometry, with the accuracy and reliability of traditional oral thermometry.
- Adult oral temps in 4-6 seconds
- Paediatric axilla temps in 10 seconds
- Adult axilla temps in 15 seconds
- Accurate to within +/- 0.1 degrees C
- Interchangeable, removable probe well to help prevent cross-contamination
- Large, easy to read LCD display
- Last temperature recall
- Convenient storage for 25 probe covers
- Takes approximately 6,000 readings on one set of 3 x AAA batteries
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